Making clothes is becoming one of my favorite things to do. It calms me. It offers a sense of accomplishment. After a few hours I always have something to show for it. Instead of spending hours at the mall desperately trying to find something that suites my taste and body, I can fall in love with a fabric and make something for myself. I'm getting quite excited thinking about all the things I will learn to make; quilts, pillows for my some-day-home, a lovely duvet cover, place mats, cute little dresses for some-day-little-girl.
I've begun to make my first dress from the Charmed Dress pattern from Betsy Ross. The pattern is fantastically easy and instructions are clear. My only questions have come from this being my first. My hopes are that once I finish this first one, I can make the necessary adjustments and changes to make the dress I have in my head (this pattern is very close) to wear to a wedding in a few weeks. I'm using some fabric I thought was really cute that I found on clearance from j. caroline creative.
Here is my progress so far:
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