There was a time that writing was a large part of my interaction with my experiences, a way to digest. Yet here I am, with this aversion to maintaining this record of sorts. So I will consider it less blog and more record. Less hope to be read and more hope to be held accountable. I've all these ideas and tend to get distracted from finishing many of them. I've books unread, recipes unmade, and projects on the shelf. I'll try this again... to record the things I'm creating, dreaming, cooking, enjoying, and journeying.
Lets review.
My husband and I undertook this blog to share with our family near and far. He's since taken his thoughts to another page and I'm left having last updated 22 months ago. Such shame! We've since made the decision to move cross-country from Chicago to Seattle, made the three day drive with all our worldly belongings, traipsed from house to house before buying a lovely home and beginning to make our life here. We arrived in Washington last autumn and are now spending our first autumn settled into our new home. So much time was spent in transition that it seems I've forgotten I can actually take my spare time and make real those things i'm dreaming up. So here I am! With reason to make and to share.

So glad to see a new post! :-)
Welcome back! I look forward to reading more of your posts! :)
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