Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The delivery man brought me a present early this morning... the order from paper source! It was only ordered on Sunday... fastest shipping ever! The envelopes for our invites were on sale, so now they're stocked up and waiting to be turned into a lovely package!

I got a lot done today, even a couple wedding projects under way...
22 inch squares for center of table -
To do: 23
Done: 2

9' table runner for our buffet table - DONE!

Now I just have to wait for the lovely package of fabric that is headed my way from fabric supplies etsy shop. They were kind enough to sell me a few fabrics in my 1.25 yard increment and I'm so excited about what they had. Fantastic prices too- on the fabric and on the shipping... I'll be watching their page.

For my dear family... my big interview is now on Friday at 11am! I wish it had been today... the weather here didn't end up as bad as they weathermen made it out to sound. I also got a call today about a temp position as a staff accountant for 4 to 6 weeks so they're presenting my resume for that. I'll update when I know more...

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